Origin of this Foundation
Willpower Harris started the Willpower Humanitarian Foundation initially funded strictly by his own financial contributions. The money he made half of it he donated to charity. One day he decided to create his own NGO organization donating directly to his foundation.
The mission is to focus on Women Empowerment, Child Education, and fighting Poverty.
We endeavour to have 11 Willpower orphanages worldwide to have both the elderly and orphans living together under one loving roof.
We want kindness to be taught as a class.

Willpower Warrior club
Willpower Warrior is a volunteer leadership group. We meet every Sunday to do kindness in the community. Our motto is “Kindness to Self and Others”. We do community service like visit orphanages, government hospitals, home for the blind, home for the elderly and distributing food to the homeless.
We also conduct leadership development learning sessions lead by our group’s founder Willpower Harris. These classes instruct how to succeed in our personal life and professional career. At the heart of everything we do and learn is kindness to all. Mr. Harris teaches, “There is no true success without kindness.”

Our Work
We do community service like visit orphanages, government hospitals, home for the blind, home for the elderly and distributing food to the homeless.
We also conduct leadership development learning sessions lead by our group’s founder Willpower Harris. These classes instruct how to succeed in our personal life and professional career.
At the heart of everything we do and learn is kindness to all. Mr. Harris teaches, “There is no true success without kindness.”

Our Programs

ABC’s of Success
ABC’s of Success is a seminar designed to help people be their best. It introduces simple anecdotes and impactful life stories collected during Will Harris’ global business adventures. He illustrates a universal formula for success and how to impact the lives of others and
- Developing A Positive Attitude
- Establishing Self Confidence
- Building Willpower
- Pursuing Your Life Plan
- Establishing Your Personal Brand
- Building Habits
- Positive Associations
- Communication Skills
- Learning from mistakes
- Problem Solving
- Leadership Skills
- Interview Skills
Dreamcatcher is an event where you will catch your dreams. At this event, we will guide you, motivate you, and encourage you to achieve your dreams.
We want you to dream big, believe it, plan it, and we will help you to work on it.
Only listen to your heart, what it says, and do it And definitely, we will show you a path, a way to achieve your dream.

A flashmob is a group of people who assemble in a public place, perform for a brief time, and then quickly disperse. Whoever says fitness can’t be fun hasn’t tried a flash mob – or, equally likely, hasn’t considered that a flash mob is fitness.
But the routines, which usually involve dancing and always involve movement, might be as good for your body as for your mood. Our willpower warriors perform flashmob for humanity every three months.
Willpower warriors do flashmobs to encourage and motivate people to spread kindness
Willpower Fitness
As our motto of Willpower is “Kind to yourself and others “, as per this we arrange one fitness program every month for warriors.
Physical fitness means the ability to perform daily tasks with ease, without becoming tired, and with extra energy to enjoy leisure-time activities such as hobbies and extra daily tasks.
We want you to be more energetic, more enthusiastic, because a willpower warrior never gets tired. We conduct fitness sessions and yoga sessions for our warriors to make them fit and healthy, because being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life